Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week #1.5

Befriending my co-workers has been easier than anticipated and I'm SO happy about that! I've realized that if I spend too much time alone in my apartment with only my thoughts to keep me company, I start to get homesick. I mentioned this in my last post, but it's hard to really talk at work so while everyone's been really nice, I hadn't actually hung out with anyone outside of work.

Yesterday (Wednesday) was one of the girl's birthday so a few of us went out for dinner, then for drinks later on (I finally had my first taste of soju, will discuss in a bit) and I finally got to see how their personalities are. Everyone's really laid back and the humour, oh the humour! When I first meet people, I always feel like I have to censor myself, meaning: hide the crazy! But I've been told my several of them that insanity is encouraged and everyone loves to poke fun of one another, in a good 'silly not actually being offensive' kinda way. I think I'd go insane if I had to be polite and reserved 24/7. Obviously I've proven that I can be when the occasion calls for it, but it's nice to just let loose and say what's on your mind when in a casual setting.

This is mostly with the FTs (Foreign Teachers) though; I haven't actually spoken to many of the Korean teachers yet, other than the ones I share classes with. The fact that us foreigners live so close to one another obviously helps form frienships. Honestly, it's like being in residence again because no one's living more than 2 minutes away from each other. At drinks last night a few of the girls and I were talking about the gym and how it's just plain evil. Most of the FTs are gym obsessed, but to say that I'm not a fan is such a major understatement! I can't even count how many trial memberships I've had and have never started an actual membership. I don't know what it is, but gyms just don't do it for me. I can't get motivated, let alone make myself care enough to actually go! So a few of us have decided to try and kick each other's butts to do group yoga. We squeezed 4 of us in a room tonight and while hilarious (We used my yoga dvd and for those of you who have done it with me in the past, you know how hard it is not to giggle!), it was productive so I hope that we can keep it up. Plus another one of the girl's used to teach yoga back home so we might try to escape to the roof once in a while for a change of pace. And, if group yoga fails, a few of us have committed to our second favourite exercise: shopping! What?! You get cardio and weight training all in one!

Ok. I promised to explain soju. Here's a definition, courtesy of 'Lonely Planet's Korea' guidebook: "Soju is the local firewater (at least 20% alcohol) and is often liked to vodka in that it's clear, nearly flavourless and cheap to produce. For sale even in grocery and convenience stores, it comes in many flavours, including lemon, maple, cherry and bamboo." It doesn't mention it in this guidebook, but I've read elsewhere that soju is made from fermented sweet potatoes. I can totally see why it would be likened to vodka because you get that same "I'm drinking rubbing alcohol" burning in the back of your throat when drinking it straight, although I didn't convulse quite as hard as I do when doing shots of vodka. In mixed drinks though, TOTALLY another story; you can't even taste it! Last night we drank these yummy peach and pomegranite/apple mixed drinks and I swear it was just juice. But I know that it wasn't because we also ordered a few bottles of plain soju to add to it and honestly, no matter how much we added all I could taste was juice! This is saying alot because I'm typically really sensitive to the taste of alcohol and even though others swear they can't taste it, my alcohol detector goes off and that's all I can taste. Luckily we were drinking from small glasses, so things didn't get out of control, but I now better understand the hilarious stories that I've been told by people of what they've experienced/done/woken up to after a night of drinking soju.

Another thing I've noticed about Korea is that the LOVE spicy food. Even if it's a food that isn't typically spicy, they'll find a way to make it hotter than anything you've ever consumed. I've never had issues with spicy foods, but this place pushes the boundaries! I've formed a great love for ramen noodles in the time I've been here and was happy when I found some in the grocery store that were mild. In Canada, mild means, well...mild! Not hot, just a wee bit of spice for flavouring. Here... totally different ball game!!! Even with my AC on, my nose starts to run and I totally break out into a sweat. Meaning if the food says spicy, prepare to feel like you're licking the flames of hell, where no amount of fluids will make the excruciating burning disappear! Honestly, my lips still tingle hours later. If you think I'm exaggerating or just being dramatic, I dare you to come to South Korea and try it yourself! I DOUBLE DARE YOU!!! I'm told that I will get used to the extreme spiciness of all Korean foods, but I'm not convinced. But you never know; Maybe by the time I go back home I'll be the crazy woman who can eat the hottest of hot sauces! Or maybe I'll be so traumatized that I'll run away in fear if anything spicier than medium is served to me.

I just noticed the time and realized that it's well past the bedtime that I'd given myself. Surprise, surprise. Upside: Tomorrow's Friday! YAAAAY!!! I love Fridays because I only teach for 4 hours. Which is a very nice change of pace from my looooong Thursdays. I have a few plans set-up for the weekend, so I'm sure there'll be another entry posted in the next few days. And sorry, no good pictures yet. Again with the rain/clouds/overall ick weather! Next week isn't supposed to be any better, but I'm hoping for at LEAST 2 days of sun. PLEAAAASE!!! I feel like I haven't seen the sun since I left Canada and it's starting to get a wee bit depressing. So come on sunshine! I know you wannaaaaaa!!!!

Jan ^__^


Anonymous said...

awww janique it sounds like your adapting so well over there, i hope that your still having a blast, we all miss you over here espcally abriele but don't shed any tears over it!
i love reading all of your letters it's like your right here talking to us!
keep them coming because i literally have nothing to do during the day and i am always checking to see if you have written anything else!
i am glad to hear that you have met some people i too have met some mothers but i will send you an e-mail because i just rememberedthat this is a wall post and everyone and anyone can read it... i am not a shy person but i am pretty sure not everyone wants to hear about my boring life least not when they can read about your exciting life!

k well i will send a long detailed e mail tomorrow because the baby just woke up
love ya lots

Anonymous said...

Have you tried kimchi yet?*shudders* So spicy, I couldn't handle it.

Glad it's all going great and I look forward to the next post! Hope the sun comes soon too :3

Anonymous said...

P.S I want to try soju *.*

SAB said...

oh jani poo poo.. i love how you are having so much fun..... i am so happy to hear!

I know you'd be just fine.... i really want to know what it looks like out there! TELL MEEEEEEEEE
love you tons xoxoxoxox
sab, pat, nike, and scrat

Anonymous said...

Not as bad as you thought!! Bad on the spicy stuff and go yoga!! hehehe

But I'm sure you will get used to it!!

Oh btw...I am making something for you! So it would be cool to get a mailin addy from you on how and where to send it!

Woves yous and post more! I'm livin through you Missy! hehehe

Anonymous said...

HI Janique!!!! I'm so happy to have figured out your blog!!! I love reading about your adventures!!! you are a fabulous writer and I difenitly can have a visusal off how you are doing!!!

Good job on the group yoga!!! rembmer to do yogaby yourself too if you need it!! always helps change my mood!!

Anyway, goodluck with the spicy food..and soju!!! sounds great!!! and i'm sure you will have many mor enteries of soju nights!!!

how was your vacation week!!!?? feel free to send me an quick personal email when you have a chance!!! Je t'aime!! and good luck in class this week Janique TEACHER!!!!

Love you,
your roomie!! Dodo